Tuesday 9 April 2013

Stage One: Complete

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us. We could not have done it without you.

So the day arrived, and on 30th March Sleepy and Grumpy set off to take on the first stage of the challenge - the 10k run. This was the bit that Sleepy was especially dreading since, as you'll know if you've been reading this blog, she can't run.

The race was hell. Seriously. I mean yes, it's all very pretty in Richmond Park, there were deer, it was sunny (still pretty darn cold, but sunny), and, yes, that was lucky given the fact that it snowed heavily an hour and a half after we were finished. But, come on. It was 10k. In the cold. There were an insane amount of hills. And why, why, dear god, would you put a very long and very steep hill right at the end of the course?! That, people organising the Richmond Park 10k, was just cruel. Grumpy was, well, grumpy because he couldn't overtake anyone because he had to stay with Sleepy who was at the back struggling to breathe. I am not exaggerating.

I experienced a number of sensations during this run that I have never experienced before. Firstly, my foot went entirely numb at around the 6k mark. It started by going a little bit tingly - a sort of pins and needles-esque feeling - then it went completely. Which actually was quite pleasant after running a kilometre with pins and needles. But the only way I could propel myself forward when I couldn't feel my foot was the push off from the right foot, the one that still had feeling, and throw myself onto the left foot, judging by rhythm only roughly where it should be, then fall back onto my right foot. It was very weird, I don't recommend trying it. I suddenly realised at around 8.5k that I could feel my left foot again, which was nice. Secondly, I had the worst stitch I've ever had. I get a lot of these when I'm running - pretty much constantly from start to finish there's some sort of nagging pain in one side or the other. But this was something else. About the 9.5k mark my chest imploded and the pain was so severe I thought I was going to pass out. Luckily we were close to the finish line though, and with some encouragement from Grumpy I was able to limp home.

Why does anyone do this to themselves?!?!

But we made it! We did it. We finished 171 and 172 out of 187, but never mind that. We finished. That was my goal. It took us an hour and 11 minutes to cross the finish line, and it was the worst hour and 11 minutes of my life. But we did it and now we never have to run anywhere ever again. And we've raised money for charity, which is the main thing.

And if you want to sponsor Sleepy or Grumpy, as always we will be very grateful!

Now, on to stage 2: the bike ride!

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